skin type

To treat your skin better, it’s important to accurately understand your particular skin types. There are five main categories of skin type: 

*Normal Skin*
Those who have a normal skin type exhibit skin with few imperfections, 
and rarely experience breakouts. The skin is often smooth and free of 
blemishes, and can handle a variety of products without fear of harsh reaction. Pores are barely visible with this skin type, and the skin tends to be less sensitive.
*Dry Skin*
Those with dry skin type may exhibit barely visible pores, and feature a 
dull, rough complexion. The skin may feel less elastic and sag a bit more, with more visible lines. Red, irritated patches are also commonly observed in those with dry skin type. Dry skin can easily peel and crack, and may become rough and scaly, particularly on the limbs. It doesn’t produce adequate oil levels, and has a hard time maintaining and 
retaining healthy oils. Dry skin is very prone to quick aging.

*Oily Skin*
Oily skin produces a larger amount of sebum, and is often characterized 
by larger pores, a shiny complexion, and the heightened appearance of 
acne. If you're asking yourself "why is my skin oily?", it is likely a result of 
hereditary factors and hormone levels. Oily skin is less susceptible to 
harsh skin effects associated with aging.

*Combination Skin*
Combination skin may see various parts of the face that are dry, with 
flaking or scaly patches, and other portions may be oily. Most commonly, 
these oily patches are observed in the T-zone, which includes the nose, 
chin, and forehead. These areas feature more active sebaceous glands 
that produce higher amounts of oil. Combination skin type may also refer 
to skin that is sensitive to seasonal changes. 
*Sensitive Skin*
Sensitive skin type can be harder to characterize, because it can mean 
different things depending on the person. Sensitive skin is easily irritated, 
and may have a propensity for inflammation.

Now that we are able to identify our skin types, let's talk on how to tackle 
those skin types without giving us those skin reactions with our recipe coming soonest*SKIN TYPE*
To treat your skin better, it’s important to accurately understand your particular skin types. There are five main categories of skin type: 

*Normal Skin*
Those who have a normal skin type exhibit skin with few imperfections, 
and rarely experience breakouts. The skin is often smooth and free of 
blemishes, and can handle a variety of products without fear of harsh reaction. Pores are barely visible with this skin type, and the skin tends to be less sensitive.

*Dry Skin*
Those with dry skin type may exhibit barely visible pores, and feature a 
dull, rough complexion. The skin may feel less elastic and sag a bit more, with more visible lines. Red, irritated patches are also commonly observed in those with dry skin type. Dry skin can easily peel and crack, and may become rough and scaly, particularly on the limbs. It doesn’t produce adequate oil levels, and has a hard time maintaining and 
retaining healthy oils. Dry skin is very prone to quick aging.

*Oily Skin*
Oily skin produces a larger amount of sebum, and is often characterized 
by larger pores, a shiny complexion, and the heightened appearance of 
acne. If you're asking yourself "why is my skin oily?", it is likely a result of 
hereditary factors and hormone levels. Oily skin is less susceptible to 
harsh skin effects associated with aging.

*Combination Skin*
Combination skin may see various parts of the face that are dry, with 
flaking or scaly patches, and other portions may be oily. Most commonly, 
these oily patches are observed in the T-zone, which includes the nose, 
chin, and forehead. These areas feature more active sebaceous glands 
that produce higher amounts of oil. Combination skin type may also refer 
to skin that is sensitive to seasonal changes. 
*Sensitive Skin*
Sensitive skin type can be harder to characterize, because it can mean 
different things depending on the person. Sensitive skin is easily irritated, 
and may have a propensity for inflammation.

Now that we are able to identify our skin types, let's talk on how to tackle 
those skin types without giving us those skin reactions with our recipe coming soonest.,

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