Ramadan kitchen spice




1. *Allspice*
Allspice resembles the flavors of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and pepper. Used in its ground or whole form, allspice flavors both desserts and savory dishes, along with being a key ingredient in spiced cider and Jamaican jerk chicken.

All spices Yana kama da dandanon girfa,Kanunfari , da tattasai, ana amfani da nikakke ko gudanshi, yana kara da Dandano a wajen dessert da sauran girke girke. Ana samunsa daga bishiyar Pinto.

2. *Cardamom*

Cardamom is a spice described as strong and pungent, with light notes of lemon and mint. For the freshest flavor, purchase whole cardamom pods over ground to preserve the natural essential oils. Find over 30 cardamom recipes here.

Cardamom wani spice ne mai Dankaren kamshi mai karfi yana kama da kanshin lemon tsami da kuma minti. Domin more cikakken kamshinsa a sami Danye.

3. *Cinnamon*

Described as woody and sweet, cinnamon is mostly known for its warm contribution in a number of spiced desserts and breakfast items, including this cinnamon apple pancake recipe. However, cinnamon can also serve double duty in savory dishes in braised dishes and soups further described here.

Cinnamon (Girfa) kamar yadda kuka sani ice ne mai zaki da kamshi mai dadi ana amfani dashi acikin girki domin karin kamshi da dandano. Ana samun daga jikin bishiyar Ceylon ko cassia kalar ja ne ko ruwan kasa.

4. *cloves*

Cloves (Kanunfari) kamar yanda kuka sani yana kara kamshin girki ko dahuwar nama. Ana samunsa daga bishiyar coriander.

5. *Cumin*

Either prepared with its whole or grounded form, cumin is a flowering plant with the seeds added to cuisines. The nutty flavor is widely used in curry recipes, as curry powder mostly consists of curry leafs, coriander, turmeric, and cumin. For a Thai twist on a Thanksgiving classic, give this pumpkin curry with shrimp recipe a try!

Cumin wata bishiya ce da ake amfani da Yayanta domin karin dandano da kamshin girki, tana da yaji sannan bishiyar 
danginsu daya da parsley 🌿.


From powdered garlic used to flavor this grilled chicken with roasted garlic velouté sauce to the whole garlic head in these roasted garlic hummus in cucumber cups, the pungent and strong flavors of garlic offer bold flavors to numerous dishes.

Garlic (Tafarnuwa) wani spice ne da ake amfani da shi ko garinsa wajen karin kamshi domin tana da kamshi mai karfi Hakan yasa ake amfani da ita a cikin girke girke da dama.

7. *Ginger*

The root or stem of the ginger plant is often consumed fresh, dried, and in its oil or powdered form. The pungent and spicy flavor often compliments Chinese cuisine, recommended to cleanse the palate and used in herbal teas.

Ginger (citta) Ana amfani da jijiyar ko jikin bishiyar busasshe ko danye, garin ko manta domin girki kala kala kamshin ta da dandanon yajin hakan ya sa ake amfani da ita.

8. *Oregano* 

Orega-NO? More like orega-YES! Oregano is commonly stocked in the pantry and offers an accelerated and fresh flavor to a wide variety of foods. Add oregano to sauces and dressings, salads, and poultry.

Oregano spice ne da yake dauke da kamshi da dandano mai karfi na bishiyar marjoram. Ana amfani dashi a wajen girki domin kara armashin girki da dandano mai gamsarwa.

9. *Parsley*

Chopped fresh or dried, parsley offers a fresh-spring like flavor to stocks, stews, and soups. The herb can also dress up a number of dips, complement various casseroles, along with these other 25 ways to use parsley.

Parsley wani ganye ne da ake amfani dashi domin karin dandanon miya, romo, ko girki .
Yana da dandanon yaji kadan.

9. *Thyme*

Used in both its fresh and dried forms, thyme offers a subtle yet savory note to a number of soups, stews, and roasted dishes. In addition to rosemary in the skewer recipe provided above, thyme further compliments the meat.
Thyme ana amfani dashi danye ko busasshe  yana kara dandano da kamshin  girke da gashe gashe.

11. *Turmeric*

Turmeric is a brightly colored yellow, orange-ish spice mostly known for its warm, bitter taste in curry dishes. The spice can also be added to egg scrambles and rice dishes, tossed with roasted veggies, or mixed into soups and even smoothies.

Turmeric (Kurkur) kalar ruwan Dorawa   Yana da dandano mai dadi da kamshi ana sashi acikin egg scramble ko a cikin soups 

12. *bay leaves* 
A bay leaf is an herb that’s often used in hearty soups, stocks and stews. However, you should remove the leaf or leaves prior to eating the dish. Bay leaves have a hard stem that’s difficult to chew. Bay leaves add a piquant flavor.
Use dried bay leaves, not fresh, since fresh bay leaves can overpower the dish. If you do elect to use fresh bay leaves, remove them before the dish is fully cooked.

Bay leaf ganye ne da ake amfani dashi cikin soups, stocks da stew, amma  in an tashi cin abincin a cire ganyen. Domin suna da wahalar taunawa a dinga amfani da busasshen ganye ba danyeba,  in kuma zakiyi amfani da danye to ki cire shi kafin girki ya gama dahuwa ana samunsa a jikin bishiyar Laurel.

Yakudima Bakery services
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     *What are spices*

A spice is a seed, fruit, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavouring or colouring food. Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are the leaves, flowers, or stems of plants used for flavouring or as a garnish.

*Menene Spices?*
Spices shine kwallo, iri, Yaya, Bawo, ganye ko sassaken bishiya da ake amfani dashi musamman domin canza dandano ko kalar girki.

Medicinal use of some selected spices
1. Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic Effect
2. Sage Can Improve Brain Function and Memory
3. Peppermint Relieves IBS Pain and May Reduce Nausea.
4. Turmeric Contains Curcumin, a Substance With Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Effects.
5. Holy Basil Helps Fight Infections and Boosts Immunity.
6. Cayenne Pepper Contains Capsaicin, Which Helps Reduce Appetite and May Have Anti-Cancer Properties.
7. Ginger Can Treat Nausea and Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties.
8. Fenugreek Improves Blood Sugar Control
9. Rosemary Can Help Prevent Allergies and Nasal Congestion
 10. Garlic Can Combat Sickness and Improve Heart Health.

Amfanin Spices

1. Cinnamon yana daidaita adadin sukarin jini Yana bada Kariya daga ciwon sugar.
2.  Sage spice yana kara kaifin kwakwalwa
3.Peppermint yana dauke da sinadarin dake rage cutar Amai da gudawa.
4. Turmeric yana daukeda sinadarin cucumin.
5 Holy Basil yana taimakawa jiki wajen yakar cuta kuma yana karawa jiki kariya.
6. Cayenne pepper yana dauke da sinadarin capsaicin wanda yake gyara dandanon baki kuma yana rage kwayoyin cutar daji.
7. Ginger tana maganin cutar mura da kuma amai.
8. Fenugreek yana karfafa kula da yawan sugar a cikin jini.
9.Rosemary yana taimakawa wajen maganin cututtuka masu alaka da hanci.
10.Garlic magani ce sadidan na cututtuka musamman mura da sanyi.

Example of spices 

What’s the Difference Between Cooking With Whole vs. Ground Spices?

Cooking professionals almost always recommend buying whole spices and grinding them yourself, since whole spices retain their aromatic compounds much better than the ground kind.

Menene Banbancin yin Amfani da spices danye wanda ba a daka ba da kuma amfani da dakakke?.

Ana yawan yi min wannan tambayar yau dai zan bada Amsarta. 
Hakikanin gaskiya kwararru a fannin girki sun fi san su siyi spices a gudansa ba dakakke ba, sun fi san daka shi dakan su domin yafi rike ainihin kamshinsa fiyeda wanda aka siya A nike.

How to Store Your Spices
Store spices you use often in opaque glass jars or tins in a dark cupboard. Spices you don’t use frequently can be stored in airtight containers in the freezer.

Yanda xaku ajjiye spices dinku domin Amfanin gaba.

In kun tashi ku xubashi a cikin kwalabe transparent wanda xaku iya ganin spice din ba tare da kun budeba, ko a cikin gwangwanaye, sannan sai kusa a cikin cupboard. Wanda kuma xaku dade bakuyi amfani da suba kusashi acikin fridge. amma in antashi amfani dashi a bari ya koma normal ba Mai sanyi sosai ba.

Yakudima Bakery services 
           (Mmn jawad)

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