coconut cookies


125g butter softened 
2 cups plain flour 
3/4cup castor sugar 
1/2tsp salt 
1tsp vanilla extract 
2cups desiccated coconut (1/2cup is for coating)
1/4cup coconut milk(you can use the dairy fresh milk if you dnt have coconut milk)
1 egg

*Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy 
*Add 1 egg
*Add vanilla extract 
*In a seperate bowl mix flour,salt and 1&1/2 cup desiccated coconut keep the other half cup aside 
*Add flour to butter mixture in batches alternating with coconut milk
*Mix well after each addition 
*Place dough in between parchment papers and roll about 1 cm thick
*Cut and shape with a cookie cutter 
*Use the 1/2 cup of desiccated coconut we set aside to coat the shaped cookie dough 
*Place in a greased and lined baking tray 
*Chill in fridge for 15 to 30 min so that they maintain their shape when baking
*Bake in preheated oven at 180DegreesC until golden brown and nice
*Let them cool completely before frosting

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