mint chocolate gelato

Large handful of fresh mint leaves 
1 1/4cups milk
55g dark chocolate 
2/3cup heavy cream
3/4cup superfine sugar
How to make it
Using a mixer beat the eggs and sugar together until thick and creamy,put the cream and milk in a pan and bring to simmer,small bubble will appear all around the edge.Add the egg,whisking constantly Raise the pan and put 1 inch water.Turn the heat to medium high.Cook the mixture,stirring constantly until it is thick tear the mint leaves and stir them into the custard remove the custard from the heat to let it cool,cover it to infuse for 2hours put it in the freezer for 2hours until frozen 2.5cm from the sides.Put it back to a bowl and beat it again until smooth stir in the chocolate pieces.Place in the freezer to soften for 20minute before serving

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