🍔 mom zee 🍔
6 medium size sausages
INGREDIENT : 500g flour , 6 medium size sausages , 1 medium size carrot , 200g butter , 1 medium size onion , Salt , 1 seasoning cube , Black pepper , 1 Big egg , Teaspoon of baking powder
STEP 1 : Preheat the oven by 350F
STEP 2 : Pour the flour into a bowl, add baking powder and a little bit of salt. Mix with your hand properly. Add butter bit by bit and mix with your hand until you finish all the butter. Add about 70ml water and continue mixing with your hand until a dough. Set it aside.
STEP 3 : Rub butter on the oven tray. Spread flour on it.
STEP 4 : Grind the sausages in a blender and pour into a bowl. Mix with dry pepper, seasoning cube, salt and nutmeg. Mix properly and set aside.
STEP 5 : Roll out dough of about 3mm thickness, and cut out a rectangular shape. Scoop some sausages into the dough and roll it out to form a sausage roll as seen above.
STEP 6 : Cut the sausage roll into 2 equal parts.
STEP 7 : Break the egg into a small plates and mix properly. Arrange the dough in the oven tray and rub the egg on each sausage.
STEP 8 : Put the sausages into the oven and back for like 50 minutes. The sausages colour will turn to a golden brown.